Punjab's 'Kulhad Pizza' couple Sehaj Arora and Gurpreet Kaur have appealed for public support in the wake of an explicit viral video. The couple, who recently became parents, alleged the incident was a result of an extortion bid and said the viral video in question is "morphed". Taking to his Instagram handle on September 21, 2023 As seen in the video, Sehaj Arora and Gurpreet Kaur refused to yield to the blackmailer's demands, which eventually led to the unauthorized release of the footage. To tackle the situation head-on, Sehaj filed a complaint in Jalandhar. The leaked video of the Kulhad Pizza couple has elicited various reactions. The Kulhad Pizza couple� Sehaj Arora and Gurpreet Kaur from Jalandhar are once again in the Spotlight. This time, they grabbed the headlines after a "private video" allegedly featuring them went viral on social media. Now, Sehaj Arora promptly turned to his Instagram to clear the air and narrate the ordeal. Through a video message, Sehaj The couple became famous in 2022 when a video of them serving pizza in traditional clay pots called kulhads went viral on social media. Their unique way of doing business with food quickly made A woman has been arrested for allegedly leaking the private video of Ludhiana's viral Kulhad pizza couple Sehaj Arora and Gurpreet Kaur. Police said the woman was fired due to her unsatisfactory performance. She then created a fake Instagram account and messaged Arora, threatening to leak his "private video" if he did not send her Rs 20,000. Kulhad Pizza Couple Viral Video: Punjab's 'kulhad pizza' couple who went viral on social media for a private clip, allegedly featuring them, have now termed the footage as fake and registered a Ludhiana's viral Kulhad Pizza couple has issued a statement in connection with their "private video" that has surfaced on the internet. Sehaj Arora shared a video on his Instagram handle, issuing a clarification on the matter. In the video, Arora called the "private footage"
fake and said it was AI generated. Sehaj Arora, part of the Kulhad Pizza couple from Punjab, alleged that miscreants vandalized his newly purchased car with bricks. This incident follows their controversial leaked video. Arora posted about the attack on Instagram, expressing concerns over safety and suggesting jealousy as the motive behind the vandalism., Viral News - Times Now. Punjab's 'Kulhad Pizza' couple have finally addressed allegations that they deliberately leaked their explicit video for publicity. Based in Jalandhar, the young couple rose to fame in 2022 after a video of them selling pizzas went viral. However, Sehaj Arora and Gurpreet Kaur were embroiled in a scandal in September 2023 when a video Kulhad Pizza Couple Viral Video: The Kulhad Pizza couple, Sehaj Arora and Gurpreet Kaur, is back in the headlines soon after their 'private video' controversy surfaced on social media a while The Kulhad Pizza couple - Sehaj Arora and Gurmeet Kaur from Jalandhar have once again grabbed the spotlight as they have issued a clarification. The couple made waves after a "private video" allegedly featuring them went viral on social media and they have finally cleared the air by narrating the ordeal. FPJ Web Desk Updated: Saturday, September 23, 2023, 05:13 PM IST. The Jalandhar Police on Friday arrested a woman who had posted private videos of her former employer, the famous Kulhad Pizza Shortly after Sehaj Arora and Gurpreet Kaur aka the Kulhad Pizza couple went viral in 2022 after a video of them selling kulhad pizza went viral on social media, a leaked private video of the Kulhad Pizza Viral Video: Sehaj Arora and Gurpreet Kaur, known for their unique style of pizza are now in the spotlight for a controversial video that went viral on social media. A few days ago an Follow us. Gurpreet Kaur, part of the Kulhad Pizza couple, has captivated audiences with a viral dance video on a Haryanvi song. Despite an infamous leaked MMS scandal, Gurpreet and her husband The film
starred Janhvi Kapoor and Rajkummar Rao. Coming back to the Kulhad Pizza Couple, the two, back in 2023, fell into a major controversy when an alleged X-rated MMS of the duo was leaked Kulhad Pizza Couple Leaked Viral Video Truth. As the video raised a lot of eyebrows and brought the Kulhad Pizza couple in the spotlight, Sehaj Arora took to social media and revealed the truth Social media influencers Sehaj Arora and Gurpreet Kaur made a name for themselves on the internet by introducing kulhad pizza. Also known as the Kulhad Pizza Couple by the netizens, they have been through a lot in the last few years. Hailing from Jalandhar, Punjab, their photos and videos from their outings as well as dance reels often go viral The MMS was leaked on several social media platforms, which left many of their fans with a bad taste. A few did support the duo, but most people were against the couple and blamed them for The video has been going viral on social media and has garnered over 1.9 lakh likes so far. View this post on Instagram A post shared by Sehaj Arora (Kulhad Pizza) (@sehaj_arora_)